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Rep-Cal Diamond


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reddia.gif (1120 bytes) Rep-Cal Herptivite Multivitamin reddia.gif (1120 bytes)
Vitamin A requirement from Beta Carotene

Rep-Cal's HERPTIVITE is a superior multi-vitamin, multimineral and amino acid food supplement developed from the latest findings in reptile and amphibian nutritional research. Its formulation contains all natural source ingredients with a base of "sea vegetation." Unlike other companies which use non-nutritional "bases," Rep-Cal's "sea vegetation" base is rich in essential trace elements and minerals. Furthermore, HERPTIVITE contains precise levels of vitamins and minerals combined in perfect balance to ensure correct utilization of protein and other essential nutrients for growth, reproduction, maintenance and many aspects of your reptile's bodily functions. HERPTIVITE is the first reptile vitamin without Vitamin A. Instead we use Beta Carotene which is an anti-oxidant that is converted into Vitamin A in a regulated way, so there is no threat of Vitamin A toxicity. Make Rep-Cal's HERPTIVITE the dietary supplement of choice for your reptiles.


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Size Item # UPC #
Herptivite Multivitamin
3.3 oz 300 7-88286-00300-6
7 lbs 310 7-88286-00310-2
Dosage: We ask that you mix Rep-Cal with our vitamin supplement Herptivite. If we premixed the products,   the "beadlets" of beta carotene in Herptivite may possibly be damaged during manufacturing by the calcium in Rep-Cal. Mix with vegetables, fruits, and pastes approximately 1/2 tablespoon Rep-Cal with 1/2 tablespoon Herptivite per pound of food.
Before feeding insects:
1) Thoroughly mix a 1:1 ratio of Rep-Cal and Herptivite in a plastic bag.
2) Place insects in the bag.
3) Shake slowly until they are completely covered.
No other supplementation is required. Contains no added starch, sugar, soy preservatives, artificial coloring, flavoring, or fragrance. Consult your veterinarian for any special nutritional problems or advice.




reddia.gif (1120 bytes) Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3 reddia.gif (1120 bytes)
      Phosphorous - Free Original powder

Rep-Cal Original Powder is an excellent source of calcium for all reptiles and amphibians. Scientifically formulated from 100% natural Oyster Shell phosphorous-free calcium carbonate with added Vitamin D3 to aid in the absorption of calcium.

Dosage: We ask that you mix Rep-Cal with our vitamin supplement Herptivite. If we premixed the products, the "beadlets" of beta carotene in Herptivite may possibly be damaged during manufacturing by the calcium in Rep-Cal. Mix with vegetables, fruits, and pastes approximately 1/2 tablespoon Rep-Cal with 1/2 tablespoon Herptivite per pound of food.
Before feeding insects:
1) Thoroughly mix a 1:1 ratio of Rep-Cal and Herptivite in a plastic bag.
2) Place insects in the bag.
3) Shake slowly until they are completely covered.
No other supplementation is required.

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Size Item # UPC #
Calcium with Vitamin D3  Original Powder
5.5 oz 100 7-88286-00100-2
8 lbs 110 7-88286-00110-2


reddia.gif (1120 bytes) Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3 reddia.gif (1120 bytes)
      Phosphorous - Free Ultrafine powder

Rep-Cal Ultrafine (fine grind) is an excellent source of calcium for all reptiles and amphibians. Scientifically formulated from 100% natural Oyster Shell phosphorous-free calcium carbonate with added Vitamin D3 to aid in the absorption of calcium.

Dosage: We ask that you mix Rep-Cal with our vitamin supplement Herptivite. If we premixed the products, the "beadlets" of beta carotene in Herptivite may possibly be damaged during manufacturing by the calcium in Rep-Cal. Mix with vegetables, fruits, and pastes approximately 1/2 tablespoon Rep-Cal with 1/2 tablespoon Herptivite per pound of food.
Before feeding insects:
1) Thoroughly mix a 1:1 ratio of Rep-Cal and Herptivite in a plastic bag.
2) Place insects in the bag.
3) Shake slowly until they are completely covered.
No other supplementation is required.

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Size Item # UPC #
Calcium with Vitamin D3
Ultrafine Powder
3.3 oz 200 7-88286-00200-9
7 lbs 210 7-88286-00210-2

reddia.gif (1120 bytes) Rep-Cal Calcium reddia.gif (1120 bytes)                   Phosphorous   Free  -  No Vitamin D3

Calcium deficiency is a major dietary problem of captive reptiles and amphibians. Maintaining a proper calcium:phosphorous (Ca:P) ratio in the diet of 1.5:1 is believed to be just as important nutritionally as an adequate Ca intake. The problem in most cases is an improper Ca:P ratio, not too little Ca.

Ca:P ratios of common cultured food items are shockingly poor:

  Calcium Phosphorous
Crickets 0.13 1
Meal Worms 0.06 1
Wax Worms 0.08 1
Pinky Mice 0.89 1

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Size Item # UPC #
No Phosphorous - No Vit D3
3.3 oz 220 7-88286-00220-7
7 lbs 225 7-88286-00225-2

Using a calcium supplement that also adds phosphorous makes no sense as an adequate Ca:P ratio can never be achieved. Bone meal contains phosphorous. Rep-Cal contains only 100% Natural phosphorous-free oyster shell Calcium Carbonate for its calcium source.

Dosage: Mix with vegetables, fruits and pastes approximately 1/2 to 1 tablespoon per pound of food. 
To coat insects:
1) Place insects and calcium powder in a plastic bag.
2) Shake slowly until insects are completely covered.

Contains no added starch, sugar, soy, preservatives, artificial coloring, flavoring, or fragrance. Do not use if tamper proof seal is broken or missing. Consult your veterinarian for any special nutritional problems or advice.



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Rep-CalÂÂ�?/small>  Research Labs     P.O. Box 727  Los Gatos, CA  95031     
1-800-406-6446     Fax 408-356-3687

�Rep-Cal�/small> Research Labs 2003